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My name is Kimberly and I’m a Stay At Home
Mom and Blogger.  I love planning in order to
keep life simple and I’m always looking for new
creative ways to make money, budget time and
keep finances organized.  Busy moms need to
think smart!  Check out my blog and learn how
you can think smart too!

Everyone says being a stay at home Mom must be amazing.  The truth is, it’s much harder than I

 ever expected.  Don’t get me wrong, I will always treasure being able to be home with my kids to

 watch them grow.  I’m so thankful that I had the opportunity to be home with my kids when they

 were babies and even now that they’re in school, but being a stay at home Mom requires a lot of

 planning ahead and a lot of budgeting of time and money. There are times when I feel like the day

 just gets ahead of me and nothing is accomplished because I didn’t make a plan and budget my

 time.  A plan is so important and can help make things so much easier.  It isn’t always about getting

 a whole list of to-dos done.  It’s about prioritizing that list of have-to-dos to make room for the

 want-to’s.  As a stay at home Mom, that small list of “want to’s” can be the best time of the day.  


check out my latest blog posts