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10 things i love

About being

A stay-at-home mom

Being a stay-at-home mom comes with its own unique set of joys and challenges, but at the end of the day, it’s a role I wouldn’t trade for the world. If you’re a stay-at-home mom like me, you can probably relate.  There are many days that I am pulling my hair out wondering how I will survive until tomorrow. But somehow, I manage to make it through the craziness knowing there are so many reasons why this journey as a stay-at-home mom is so fulfilling. Check out the top 10 things I absolutely love about being a stay-at-home mom.

1. Uninterrupted Time with My Kids

There’s something special about spending so much time with your kids. From the everyday routines to the impromptu dance parties in the kitchen, I love that I don’t miss out on these little moments.  When my children were toddlers, we spent so much time on the floor together playing and learning new things.  Soon they grew into new activities like craft time and playing on the swings.  Now that they are older, we play board games and go out for ice cream. These are the memories that matter most, and I feel so lucky to experience them all firsthand.

2. Watching Every Milestone

From the first steps to the first words, being at home means I don’t miss a single milestone. I got to see the first smile, the first tooth and both of my children taking their first steps. I get to celebrate every “first” right in the moment, and it’s one of the most rewarding aspects of being a stay-at-home mom. 

3. Setting My Own Schedule

Although there are many responsibilities, I enjoy the flexibility that comes with being at home. I created a daily routine that helps organize my day based on what works best for me and my kids. We follow this routine most days, however, if we need to have a pajama day or spend the afternoon at the park, I can make that happen too. I also use a daily planner to keep things on track.  It’s a stay-at-home mom must have! 

Another important part of setting my own schedule is trying to make sure I have “ME” Time.  Whether it’s ten minutes or an hour, getting time for myself helps me stay focused and present for my children.

4. Being Present for School and Activities

Being available for school events, practices, and playdates is something I truly cherish. I get to be involved in my kids’ lives in a way that feels meaningful to them. It’s something they will always remember. Whether it’s volunteering at their school or attending sports games or dance classes, I love that I am able to show up for them.

5. Creating a Comfortable Home Environment

One of my favorite things is creating a home that feels warm, welcoming, and safe for my family. Whether it’s meal planning or decorating the living room, I enjoy putting my personal touch into making our house feel like a home.  The look of excitement on their faces when they come home from school to find the house decorated for a holiday or their favorite dinner in the oven is priceless.

6. Helping My Kids Learn and Grow

As a stay-at-home mom, I get to be actively involved in my kids’ development, both educationally and emotionally. I love teaching them new things, reading together, and helping them explore the world around them.  I started having the kids bake with me when they were very young.  As they got older, they learned how to read a recipe and measure ingredients.  Now that they are old enough to bake something all by themselves. It’s so fulfilling to watch them grow up so closely.

7. More Family Time

Being at home means I get to create more opportunities for quality family time. From making dinner together to watching movies on the weekends, there’s more space for meaningful interactions and bonding moments with the entire family.

8. Opportunities for Personal Growth

While being a stay-at-home mom means focusing on my family, it also provides opportunities for personal growth. Whether I’m exercising, diving into a new hobby, or finding creative ways to entertain my kids, I’m always learning and growing alongside them. Personal growth is so important because it give stay-at-home moms a feeling of confidence and self-worth.  Check out my blog post on How to Live Life to the Fullest When You’re a Stay-At-Home Mom.

9. Less Stress Over Work-Life Balance

Without the daily grind of a 9-to-5 job, I can focus on the things that matter most to me: my kids and my home. I don’t have to juggle work meetings or tight schedules, which is definitely a plus. While being a stay-at-home mom is hard work, the flexibility helps reduce the stress of balancing multiple roles. Honestly, I am so busy most days with kid’s activities and managing the house that I think a work/home balance would be a real struggle.  I’m not saying it’s for everyone, but for me, the stay-at-home mom gig works.

10. Being a Constant Source of Love and Support

I love knowing that I’m the person my kids can count on every day. Whether they’re happy, upset, or need help with something, I’m right there to offer support, comfort, and guidance. Being their rock gives me a sense of purpose that’s deeply fulfilling.

one last thought.....

Being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time commitment, but the rewards are priceless. From the precious memories to the deeper bond with my children, I wouldn’t trade this role for anything. If you’re trying to decide whether or not to be a stay-at-home mom, know that each day may come with challenges, but the fulfillment that comes from being there for your kids is what makes it all worth it.

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