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make lists to save time and stay organized

Making lists is such an important part of keeping

 yourself organized.  Lets face it, Life gets crazy! In

 order to keep the sanity and get through the day

 you need a list! I am constantly making lists for

 myself not only to keep things organized but to

 feel accomplished.  When I cross things off a list

 on paper, I feel much more productive than

 when I keep a mental note in my head.  

What is a to-do list?  A list is a group of tasks you need to accomplish within a given time period.

Why Make a to-do list? (1) to stay organized, (2) to prioritize tasks, (3) to stop feeling overwhelmed with things to do


              STAY ORGANIZED – I make lists on a daily basis to keep myself organized.  By writing down everything all in one place, I can easily see what I need to accomplish throughout the day.

              PRIORITIZE –  By prioritizing your list, you will be able to see what needs your immediate attention and what can wait till later.  I like to use different colored pens or markers for tasks that are a priority to help them stand out on the list.

              STOP FEELING OVERWELMED – As many stay-at-home Moms already know, daily tasks can become daunting and overwhelming.  Making a to-do list will put you at ease knowing that you can and will get things done.



Choosing the type of list you make can be as easy as using a notepad and pen or as detailed as an Excel spreadsheet or digital planner.  For me, a notepad works just fine. With a notepad, you’re able to choose any style or size and really personalize it to your own needs.  I like using something that is spiral bound and not too big.  I leave it on my kitchen counter so it’s always in sight.  

If you like to be creative, choosing a favorite pen or whatever you like to write with is a great option too.

 You’ll feel motivated to keep going with your list if you choose something you enjoy using.  This could

 be a set of colored pens, markers, pencils, etc.  It can be anything that feels good for you.  I personally

 like to use a favorite pen.  I tend to find a pen I really like and hold onto it for a really long

 time. (sometimes until its out of ink!)

If being creative isn’t your thing, you can create a digital list. There are many apps available to download

 with a wide variety of list making styles. Check out the app store and find one that’s right for you.  You

 can also create a spreadsheet for your to do list.  If you prefer to look at your to-do’s on a screen, any of

 these options are a perfect alternative. 

time to prioritize

Start your list the night before in order to set goals for the

following day.  Think about your priorities as you make

 this list.  Ask yourself what absolutely needs to be

 accomplished and what might be to wait until the next

 day if you can’t get to it.  Use different colored pens or

 markers to show what takes priority on your list (ie. red

 for absolutely must get done, blue for important but not

 a must, green for needs to be done but could wait a day)

 Remember the idea behind creating a to-do list is to

 stop you from feeling overwhelmed.  


It’s okay!  I have to tell myself this on a daily basis.  It is completely okay to not finish all of the tasks on

 your daily to-do list.  In fact, sometimes it’s a good thing. As a stay at home Mom, this is a daily struggle

 for me. But leaving a couple of tasks for the next day tells me, “it’s okay” to let go a little.  It tells me I

 don’t have to be perfect to feel good because look at all of the things I already accomplished. Those two

 or three things I didn’t get done made time for me to catch my breath and gain my sanity back. 

 Anything you didn’t get to can be made a priority on the list for the following day.  So sit back, take a

 couple of deep breaths, grab a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine!) and make your list for tomorrow.  

You’ve got this!