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The best morning routine

for stay-at-home moms

Mornings set the tone for the rest of your day, and as a stay-at-home mom, getting your day off to a good start can make everything run smoother. But with little ones demanding attention, it can feel like chaos from the moment you wake up. The key to a stress-free day? A well-planned morning routine! Here’s a detailed guide to creating the best morning routine that will help you feel organized, calm, and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

1. Wake Up Before the Kids (If Possible!)

One of the best ways to start your day with a sense of calm is to wake up before your kids. I like to wake up an hour before my kids but even 15-20 minutes of quiet time can make a big difference. This gives you a chance to gather your thoughts, sip on some coffee or tea, and mentally prepare for the day ahead.

 It’s a good time to get that much needed “me time” before the chaos of the day begins. I like to use this time to sit quietly with a notebook or planner and think about the priorities of the day.

Tip: Set your alarm for 30 – 60 minutes before your kids usually wake up. Use this time for self-care—whether that’s a short workout, journaling, or simply sitting in silence. Check out my post on Self Care Essentials: Why Stay-At-Home Moms Need Me Time to find out other ways to fit me time into your schedule.

2. Get Dressed (Yes, It Makes a Difference!)

As tempting as it may be to stay in pajamas all day, getting dressed sets the tone for productivity. Think of getting dressed as your first accomplishment of the day.  

Believe me when I say I know it can be so hard just to find time to get dressed when your kids are small.  There were so many times I just wanted to forget it and stay in my cozy pjs all day.  But it’s so worth the effort.  

When you’re dressed and ready, you’ll feel more confident and prepared to take on the day. You don’t have to get fancy—just something comfortable and practical that makes you feel put together.

Tip: Pick out your clothes the night before to avoid the morning rush. A simple outfit like leggings, a comfy tee, and sneakers can do the trick. Check out my post on The Stylish Mom Wardrobe: Top Tips For Looking Great and Feeling Comfortable.  

3. Quick Tidy-Up

Before your kids are up and running, take a few minutes to do a quick tidy-up of your main living spaces. This could be wiping down counters, fluffing couch pillows, or putting away any stray items from the night before. 

A clean, organized space helps reduce stress and starts your day off on the right foot. You’ll feel better starting the day with a clean slate rather than continuing the chaos from the night before.

Tip: Focus on the most important areas—like the kitchen or living room—where you’ll spend the most time during the day. Check out my post on Mastering The Mess: Effortless Cleaning Tips For Stay-At-Home Moms.

4. Have a Simple but Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is not only important for the kids, but also for you! A nutritious meal will give you the energy you need to keep up with your busy schedule. Try to keep it simple with easy, healthy options like smoothies, oatmeal, scrambled eggs or toast.

You may want to incorporate a quiet breakfast into your time before the kids wake up.  If you’re like me, you know how hectic meals can get.  Sometimes a quiet meal by yourself can help you feel more focused on priorities of the day.

Tip: Meal prep breakfast the night before by making overnight oats or prepping ingredients for a smoothie, so you’re not scrambling when you’re already pressed for time.

5. Prepare the Kids’ Morning Routine

Once the kids are awake, having a predictable morning routine for them can make the process smoother. Set up a simple chart or checklist that helps them move through their tasks like brushing their teeth, getting dressed, and having breakfast. Not only does this give them structure, but it also helps you avoid constant reminders or nagging. 

When my kids were toddlers and even as they got older, we used reward charts all the time.  It helped keep them motivated to do simple everyday activities and they were so excited to put each new sticker on the chart. 

Tip: Make the routine fun by using visuals or reward charts. This encourages independence while also giving you more breathing room.

6. Plan the Day’s Priorities

Take a few moments to review the day’s plans. What are the top things you need to accomplish? Whether it’s errands, household chores, or appointments, writing down your priorities will keep you organized. A simple to-do list or a planner can help you stay on track and feel more in control.

Tip: Keep the list realistic and manageable—aim for 2-3 important tasks instead of overwhelming yourself with a long list. Check out my post on Mastering Prioritization: A Stay-at-Home Mom’s Guide to Managing Everyday Tasks

7. Incorporate Some Movement

If you can, fit in a little bit of exercise during your morning. Exercise is my go-to stress reliever, and I try to fit it in as much as possible. Whether it’s a 10-minute yoga session, a quick walk outside, or stretching, moving your body helps boost your mood and energy for the rest of the day. If you’re short on time, even doing a few stretches while the kids eat breakfast can make a difference.

Tip: Look for family-friendly workouts, so you can get the kids involved too!

Sample Morning Routine
for Stay-at-Home Moms

Here’s an example of how a smooth morning routine might look:

  • 6:30 AM: Wake up before the kids, enjoy coffee, and do a short workout or self-care                           activity.
  • 7:00 AM: Get dressed and do a quick tidy-up of the main living areas.
  • 7:30 AM: Prepare a healthy breakfast for yourself and the kids.
  • 8:00 AM: Help the kids through their morning routine (brushing teeth, getting                                  dressed).
  • 8:30 AM: Review the day’s priorities and start any essential tasks, like laundry or meal                      prep.
  • 9:00 AM: Engage in a fun activity with the kids or head out for errands or a family                            outing.

final thoughts...

Having a consistent morning routine can make a world of difference for stay-at-home moms. It not only helps you feel more organized and in control but also sets a positive tone for the entire family. While every day won’t be perfect, a routine provides a sense of structure and calm, allowing you to enjoy motherhood with a little less stress.

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