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Saying Goodbye to summer:

A Mom's Guide To Beating

the back-to-school blues

Ahh, it’s back-to-school season! For some moms, it’s a mix of emotions—excitement for a structured routine, but also a bit of sadness as summer fades and your little ones head back to school. I for one can’t stand to see the summer end.  The nights beginning to get cooler and the days becoming shorter makes me want to cringe. Then there’s the thought of my children being another year older and why is time going by so fast?

Whether it’s their first day of kindergarten or they’re headed off to high school, the transition can bring up feelings of nostalgia and even a sense of loss.  Check out my practical tips for battling those back-to-school blues while keeping yourself centered and focused.

1. Take Time for Yourself

With the kids back in school, you may finally have some quiet moments during the day. Use this time wisely to recharge. Whether it’s enjoying a hot cup of coffee (without interruption!), taking a walk, or reading a book you’ve been putting off, make “me-time” a priority. Self-care can help alleviate feelings of sadness and keep your energy levels high.

Ideas for Self-Care:

  • Get a manicure or pedicure.
  • Start journaling your thoughts and goals.
  • Schedule a solo lunch or coffee date with yourself.
  • Begin that yoga class you’ve been thinking about.

2. Reconnect with Friends

Summer can be so busy with family activities that friendships sometimes take a backseat. Now that school is back in session, it’s the perfect time to reconnect with your friends. Grab brunch, plan a spa day, or even join a fitness class together. It’s a great way to lift your mood and share the journey of motherhood with others who understand.

Tips to Reconnect:

  • Organize a “back-to-school” coffee morning for moms.
  • Plan a weekend getaway with a few close friends.
  • Join a mom’s group or club.
  • Get together for lunch
  • Plan a mani/pedi morning with a friend

3. Get Organized

A big part of back-to-school stress comes from managing new routines and schedules. Take control by organizing everything from school lunches to extracurricular activities. Having a solid plan can help you feel less overwhelmed and more in charge.

Organization Tips:

4. Make New Traditions

While you might miss the fun of summer, back-to-school season can be an opportunity to create new traditions that you and your family will look forward to each year. These small but meaningful routines can help you embrace the season and bring some excitement to the start of school.

Ideas for Traditions:

  • Plan a special family dinner the night before school starts.
  • Take first-day-of-school photos in the same spot every year to track how your kids grow.
  • Celebrate the end of the first week of school with ice cream or a family movie night.
  • Make a special after school snack for the first day of school.

5. Focus on Personal Growth

Now that the kids are in school, it’s a great time to think about your own goals and aspirations. Whether it’s taking up a new hobby, pursuing professional development, or enrolling in a class you’ve always wanted to try, this season can be about your growth too.

Growth Ideas:

  • Sign up for an online course in an area of interest.
  • Start a new hobby, like painting, knitting, or photography.
  • Create a vision board for the next few months or years.
  • Revisit old passions, like writing, fitness, or crafting.

6. Get Involved in Your Kids’ School

If you’re struggling with feelings of emptiness as your kids head back to class, getting involved at their school can help you stay connected. Volunteering at their school or joining the PTA can give you insight into their day and help you feel like part of the school community.

Ways to Get Involved:

  • Volunteer to help with class events, like field trips or parties.
  • Join the PTA or other school committees.
  • Offer to help organize a school fundraiser or event.

7. Celebrate the Change

Instead of focusing on what’s being left behind (summer fun, lazy mornings, etc.), try to celebrate the newness of the school year. It’s a fresh start, not just for your kids, but for you too. A positive mindset can help you feel excited about the changes ahead.

Ways to Celebrate:

  • Buy yourself a little treat, like new office supplies or a cozy fall sweater.
  • Plan a small celebration for the family on the first Friday of the school year.
  • Set personal goals for the school year to reflect on how far you’ve come by summer break.

8. Stay Active

Physical activity can be a fantastic mood booster. Now that you have more time while the kids are in school, prioritize your health and fitness. Whether it’s hitting the gym, going for a jog, or practicing yoga, staying active can help you shake off any blues.

Exercise Ideas:

  • Join a gym or local fitness class.
  • Start a morning walking group with other moms.
  • Try a new form of exercise like pilates or barre.
  • Use at-home workout apps if you prefer to exercise solo.


The back-to-school season doesn’t have to be filled with blues. With some planning, self-care, and the right mindset, it can be a season of personal growth and renewal for you as a mom. Embrace the routine, cherish the moments of peace, and most importantly, take time for yourself. You’ve got this, mom!