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How i stopped wasting time



time management is important

If you’re a busy stay at home Mom like me, you know how important time management is.  Yet, so often

 time is wasted.  I am the first to admit that the minute my kids get on the school bus, I

 am mentally drained.  A few minutes later and I’m on the couch watching tv or scrolling mindlessly on

 social media just trying to decompress.  The trouble is, how much time is enough before you need to

 pull yourself together and begin the rest of the day.   The longer you sit, the more comfortable you

 become and the more difficult it is to get motivated to accomplish anything.  So an hour becomes two

 hours and before you know it, the entire morning has been wasted and you’re making a mad dash to

 the store for groceries and back home for a quick lunch  and maybe some laundry before picking up 

the kids.  

So how much time do you need?

So how much time should you give yourself to gain your sanity back? That’s totally up to you and your

 own personal emotional needs.  For me, I know if I sit and unwind for an hour, I feel ready to start the

 day.  I found that the best way to motivate myself to get moving when the hour is up, is to set a timer. 

 Use your phone and set a timer for an hour.  When the timer goes off, it’s time to get to work on your

 daily tasks.  

make a list

   One of the most important things I do is always have

   a plan for the day and a list of things to accomplish.  I like to use a

   favorite notepad or journal.   Find something super cute with a

   magnet on the back so you can keep it on your frig for easy access.  

   If you’re more of a tech savvy person, use your phone, tablet or

  laptop.  You can use excel to create a spreadsheet for the day or

  week.  There are also lots of apps you can download that will create

  lists for you.  You can also check out my page on how to Make Lists

 To Save Time And Stay Organized

list all of the things you plan to accomplish for the day

Make a list of all of things you plan to get done for the day.  This list can be as simple or as complex as

 you like but be realistic.  Think about how much time you have and what you can accomplish in that

 time. This will make you so much more productive because it’s forcing you to focus. Make your list the

 night before so you don’t waste any time in the morning making it.   


cross out as you complete each task

Cross out (or delete) each task on your list as soon as you complete it. I find crossing things off my list 

 gives me a great sense of accomplishment.  It could be the smallest task like calling for an appointment

 but once it’s done, you can put it behind you and move on.  What about all those little things to do that

 tend to pop up throughout the day? Add them to the bottom of your list so that you don’t get distracted

 or put them at the top of the list for the next day. A “to do” list can be such a great benefit to organizing

 your day.  It helps keep you from feeling overwhelmed and will motivate you to get things done.  When

 tasks are put into a list you will feel less overwhelmed and more focused.  

too many household chores?

But what about household chores? Add them to your to do list! This is a great opportunity to organize

 daily chores into specific time slots on your list so that they don’t become an easy distraction from the

 main focus.  Daily chores like washing dishes and folding laundry can easily take over the day and

 become the excuse for not completing your list.  But if you set aside a specific amount of time each day,

 you will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.  Once that time is up, the remaining

 household chores should be left for the next day’s list. You will find, it is okay to leave things undone so

 that you can make time for other more important things like time for yourself!

Don't start your day on social media

Starting your day scrolling through social media can set you up for

loads of procrastination.  Social media sites can become a big

distraction from everyday life and often used as a way to comfortably

ease into your day.   The worst part is that for most people, the first 

few hours in the morning are the most productive. Using this time to

check emails or social media takes away that productivity and leaves

 you less motivated to do more important daily tasks. I am just as guilty

  as the next person for saying, “Ill just take a quick look….”. Before you

 know it, 5  or 10 minutes turns into an hour of wasted time. 

 To help keep you on track, turn off notifications on your cell phone so you are not constantly being

 bombarded with the latest social media posts trying to suck you in.  You may find this difficult if you’re a

 hard core fan of social media but trust me, its so worth it.  You can then set aside time at other parts of

 your day to check emails and scroll through posts.  You will be surprised to see how much more you can

 accomplish this way.


be realistic

Set realistic goals for yourself and try to stick to them.  If you have 15 things on your daily

 to-do list, you can bet on not finishing all of them in a day.  Choose the largest, most important tasks on

 your list and be sure to accomplish those first. Keep things simple and you won’t end your day feeling

 completely overwhelmed.  You want to end your day feeling accomplished and successful.  Be the best

 version of you!