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organize your mind and clear the clutter

I sometimes feel overwhelmed with the amount of daily tasks that need my attention. As a stay at home

Mom, it has become clear that there are more things to do than I ever thought possible.  In order to

 get back on track I find that I need to organize my thoughts and clear out the clutter.  Mental clutter

 makes it hard to be productive and difficult to keep a positive attitude.  So how do I keep my sanity and

 accomplish my daily goals?  Follow along to as I explain some tips and tricks for organizing your mind 

to help you be the best productive version of you.

clear your brain - find your sanity

Lets face it, life happens. For many of us stay at home Moms,  our

 brains are on overload.  Pick up kids, drop off kids, grocery shop, play

 dates, nap time, and the list goes on and on.  Managing all of this in

 our heads is just too difficult and something important is bound to

 be forgotten. The best way to defog or clear your brain is to put

 everything on paper.  Let it all out and I mean all.  Write every little

 thing down that needs your attention.  This is list can be as big as

 you need it to be.  Think of it as a mental dump or brain dump. 


By freeing up mental space, you will find yourself feeling less stressed and more able to focus on the

 tasks that need your attention.  Making this list and getting everything out on paper will help give you a

 sense of renewal and the ability to start fresh.

Also see my post on Make Lists To Save Time And Stay Organized


journaling to release everyday stress


The days are constantly filled with so many things that pull me in

 all different directions. As a stay at home Mom, I can be interrupted

 several times before a single thing on my to-do list is accomplished.

  This pushes my mind into repeat mode because I am constantly

 trying to pick up where I left off.  So at the end of the day I find that a

 good way to let off steam is to journal.  Journaling is a way of

 dumping everything onto paper and out of your mind. 

It helps you to be honest with yourself and about your everyday feelings.  When you journal, you can

 write about anything that’s on your mind.  It can be just a few words, but I know for me, it’s more like a

 page or two. Buy a special notebook for journaling and use a favorite pen too.  This can help motivate

 you to write. You will find that journaling helps release your everyday stress and decreases that sense of

 feeling overwhelmed.




Another simple way to clear the clutter from your mind is meditation.  Meditation is a great way to start

 or end your day but can also be done any time in between when you’re just looking to hit the reset

 button.  There are many types of meditation to try depending on how much time you have to do it. 

 There are meditation apps you can download as well as videos to watch that can help you decide 

what’s best for you.  I find that just a simple deep breathing exercise works wonders.  Breathing in

 through the nose and out through the mouth while focusing on relaxing the muscles in each part of

 your body is what I tend to do most.  Meditation not only helps clear your mind, it also relieves stress 

and can help you sleep better.

take a break from social media

We are all guilty of spending way to much time scrolling mindlessly

 on social media sites. I am just as guilty as the rest.  You may think

 doing this is giving you a break from reality and in fact it is.  But as

 you are scrolling, your mind is being overloaded with unnecessary

 information.  Social media sites are built to cram as much as possible

 into your brain in the shortest amount of time possible.  All of these

 little bits of information overload your mind and add to daily stress.


By taking a break from social media, I don’t mean to quit scrolling altogether.  After all, everyone wants

 to stay up to date with the latest news.  I just mean try to limit the amount of time you spend doing it.  In

 order to do this, you might try using your phone to set up a daily time slot for checking social media.  Try

 to stay away from social media and any screen time before bed.  If you’re like most, you may think

 spending an hour on your phone before bed is relaxing, however, too much screen time tends to keep

 your mind active and causes many to have trouble falling asleep.  

do something that makes you happy


Yes! That’s exactly what I said. Do something that makes you happy.

  Not many, stay at home Moms, including myself, take time to do

 something we enjoy. And this is so important for our mental health!

 This could be anything from reading a good book, to starting that

 craft project you put to the side months ago or trying a new recipe.

 You could also try taking a walk or listening to music. It could literally

 be anything that makes you happy.  

Start off trying to carve out time for yourself once a week and see how it goes. This could be maybe 30

 minutes on your least busy day.  Then try increasing it to 60 minutes or even twice a week for 30

 minutes each.  Doing something that makes you happy will help you let go of some of that clutter you’re

 holding onto and leave you feeling less stressed and more focused.  


As stay at home Mom’s, every day we are faced with numerous things that demand our attention. 

Our minds are constantly being overloaded by daily activities. Taking the time to free your mind of

 clutter can make such a big difference in your life. You’ll be able to move forward feeling renewed and
