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mastering the mess:

effortless cleaning tips for
stay-at-home moms

Being a stay-at-home mom means your days are packed with endless tasks, and keeping a clean home can sometimes feel like an impossible mission. I for one struggle with getting anything cleaned in my house with kids at home.  

The good news is that with a few smart strategies, you can maintain a tidy house without feeling overwhelmed. Check out these cleaning tips for stay-at-home moms. This ultimate cleaning guide is designed to make things easier and more manageable, so you can focus on what matters most—spending time with your family!

1. Create a Realistic Cleaning Schedule

When I’m in a cleaning mood, I want everything done all at once and I stress over how I’ll get it accomplished. I start with laundry and then move from room to room trying to clean everything from top to bottom. I’m left feeling exhausted and overwhelmed because I can’t possibly get everything done with two children who need my attention. Instead of trying to tackle everything in one day, break down your cleaning into manageable tasks spread throughout the week. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Monday: Bathrooms
  • Tuesday: Dusting & Windows
  • Wednesday: Floors (vacuuming, sweeping, mopping)
  • Thursday: Kitchen (deep clean appliances, counters, etc.)
  • Friday: Laundry & Bedrooms
  • Saturday: Catch-up day (handle any leftover tasks)
  • Sunday: Rest day (or use it for family fun!)


By focusing on different areas each day, you prevent burnout and ensure your home is consistently clean.

download my daily cleaning schedule

This is a free printable version of my daily cleaning schedule for stay-at-home moms.  Use it to check off tasks you complete daily or add your own daily tasks!

2. Involve Your Kids

Yes you can ask for help!  Depending on their age, kids can be great helpers around the house. Teach them simple chores, like making their bed, putting toys away, or helping sort laundry. Turn it into a fun activity by setting a timer and challenging them to beat the clock or reward them using a sticker chart for completed tasks. 

If your kids are a little older, teach them how to wash dishes and do laundry.  They can even learn to cook simple meals.  This not only teaches children responsibility, but also is a great confidence builder.  Don’t forget, teaching your children small tasks helps lighten your load which is a big plus for me.

3. Declutter Regularly

One of the biggest hurdles to keeping a tidy home is clutter. If you’re like me, keeping up with the clutter is a constant battle. Set aside time weekly (or monthly) to go through toys, clothes, and household items. Ask yourself if each item is needed, used, or brings joy. Donate what you don’t need and store away things you want to keep but don’t use regularly.

Quick tip: Keep a donation box in the closet or laundry room so you can easily drop items in throughout the week!

4. Use Quick Clean-Up Baskets

Place a basket or bin in each room where things tend to accumulate. I like these baskets because they’re very versatile and can fold down when not in use.  At the end of the day, do a 10-minute sweep and collect items that don’t belong. This is also a great chore for kids to help with. 

You can go through the baskets at the end of the week to put everything back in its proper place. This helps you stay on top of clutter without needing a daily deep clean.

5. Set a Timer for 15-Minute Power Cleaning

When you’re short on time, set a 15-minute timer and focus on one area of your home. For example, use that time to tidy the living room or wipe down counters and appliances in the kitchen. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in such a short period, and it prevents messes from piling up.

6. Embrace Multi-Tasking

As a mom, you’re probably already a pro at multitasking, so why not apply that skill to cleaning? For instance, while your little one is taking a bath, you can wipe down bathroom counters. Or, throw in a load of laundry while cooking dinner. These small actions can add up to big results without requiring extra time.

7. Invest in Quality Cleaning Supplies

Using the right tools can make cleaning faster and easier. A few essentials you should have are:


Having high-quality supplies on hand means you can tackle messes quickly and effectively.

8. Prioritize Daily Non-Negotiables

Some cleaning tasks need to be done every day to keep your home running smoothly. These are your “non-negotiables” and might include:

  • Wiping down kitchen counters
  • Cleaning the stove top after a meal
  • Washing dishes
  • Doing a load of laundry
  • Sweeping or vacuuming high-traffic areas
  • Tidying the living room and kids’ play areas
  • Taking time for yourself (me time).  Check out my blog post on Self Care Essentials: Why Stay-At-Home Moms Need Me Time


By sticking to a few daily tasks, you’ll prevent messes from building up and overwhelming you. You’ll feel less stressed and more able to stick with a cleaning schedule. 

9. Make Use of Naptime or Quiet Time

Naptime or any quiet downtime is a perfect opportunity for you to tackle those tasks that require more focus, like folding laundry or deep cleaning a bathroom. By utilizing these pockets of time, you can knock out chores while still having energy to spend with your kids once they wake up.

This may also be a great time to organize your daily to-do list.  

See my posts on Creating A Daily Routine To Help Busy Moms Stay Focused 


From Chaos to Calm: The Power of Planning for Stay-at-Home Moms

10. Don’t Strive for Perfection

Lastly, give yourself grace. As I’ve said before, IT’S OK, IT’S OK, IT’S OK!!!!!! A clean house doesn’t have to be spotless or Instagram-worthy. Your home is a space for your family to live, play, and grow, and a little mess is part of that. Focus on creating a tidy environment where everyone feels comfortable, not on making everything picture-perfect.

Final Thoughts

Cleaning as a stay-at-home mom can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to take over your life. By creating a simple routine, involving your kids, and taking small steps daily, you can maintain a tidy home and still have time for yourself and your family. Remember, progress over perfection is the key to a happy, organized home! You’ve got this!!

Do you have any go-to cleaning hacks? Let me know in the comments below!

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