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the mom's guide to staying sane:

top 5 tips for happiness & fulfillment

Hey there, moms! Are you finding yourself drowning in dishes or buried under a mountain of laundry?  You’re not alone in this wild adventure we call motherhood. As a stay-at-home mom of two school age children, I’ve survived my share of toddler tantrums and sleepless nights. After reading lots of parenting books (and turning to google whenever a crisis arises!), I’ve gathered some tried-and-true tips to help you stay happy, fulfilled, and maybe even slightly sane while rocking the stay-at-home mom life. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive into the ultimate guide for moms!

embrace the chaos

Let’s face it, motherhood is like trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. It’s messy, unpredictable, and downright chaotic at times. Instead of fighting against the chaos, embrace it with open arms. Did your toddler decide that your freshly cleaned floors are the perfect canvas for their latest finger painting masterpiece? Take a deep breath and embrace it! Life’s too short to cry over spilled milk (or paint). Instead, grab your camera, snap a pic, and save it for their wedding day slideshow. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, especially when it comes to surviving motherhood.

schedule "me time" like your life depends on it (because it does)

As moms, we have a tendency to put everyone else’s needs before our own, leaving us feeling drained and resentful. But here’s the truth bomb: you can’t pour from an empty cup. So, schedule regular “me time” like your life depends on it (because, let’s be real, it kinda does). See my post on Self Care Essentials: Why Stay-At-Home Moms Need Me Time for more help. Whether it’s a bubble bath, a solo trip to Target, or just 30 minutes of uninterrupted Netflix time after the kids are in bed, prioritize yourself guilt-free. Trust me, you’ll be a better mom for it.

find your mom tribe

They say it takes a village to raise a child, but sometimes it feels like our village consists of a cranky toddler and a judgmental cat. That’s where your mom tribe comes in. Find your fellow moms who get it—the ones who won’t bat an eye at your messy bun and spit-up stained shirt. Whether it’s a local mommy group, an online community, or just a group chat with your best mom friends, having a support system of like-minded moms can make all the difference. Because let’s be real, sometimes you just need someone to commiserate with over a glass of wine (or three).

lower your expectations

You are not Superwoman, and that’s okay.  As moms, we often set impossibly high standards for ourselves, only to feel like failures when we fall short. Newsflash: no one has it all together all the time, and anyone who says otherwise is either lying or secretly hiding a messy house behind closed doors. So, lower your expectations (like, way lower) and give yourself permission to embrace the glorious messiness of motherhood. The dishes can wait, the laundry will still be there tomorrow, and it’s okay if tonight’s dinner is a bowl of cereal. Your worth as a mom is not determined by the cleanliness of your house or the gourmet-ness of your meals. You’ve got this!

celebrate the small wins (because adulting is hard)

In the midst of the chaos and craziness of motherhood, it’s easy to overlook the small victories that happen every day. If you’re working on Making Lists To Save Time And Stay Organized and you didn’t complete every task on your list, it’s ok.  Think about how accomplished you feel for just doing some of the things on your list.  Did you manage to get through the grocery store without a toddler meltdown? Celebrate it with a victory dance in the frozen foods aisle. Did you successfully negotiate a peace treaty between warring siblings? Gold star for you! Remember, it’s the little things that count, so celebrate the small wins like the super mom that you are.

In the whirlwind of motherhood, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed about whether we’re doing enough or doing it right. But through the daily chaos of everyday life, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. By embracing the small moments of joy, prioritizing self-care, and seeking support from fellow moms, you can find fulfillment in the beautiful messiness of motherhood. Remember, you’re doing an incredible job, even on the days when it feels like you’re barely keeping it together. Take a deep breath, embrace the journey, and know that your love and dedication are shaping the future in ways you may not even realize. You’ve got this!

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